Saturday, October 25, 2008


On the many occasions, I really endeavoured

To give up the weed- then, in spite of the weather

To the streets I was driven, to satisfy my greed

I snatched up soggy dog-ends –did I smoke them?


I cared not who saw me 

My children implored

as they witnessed my addiction -  their pleas I ignored.

'Maggie set the scene for our smoking cessation conference with a wonderful, insightful poem that expressed her personal experiences as a smoker and now ex-smoker with honesty and humour.  Her creative account and engaging delivery provided the meeting with just the right balance of  sincerity and humour, expressed with real feeling.' 

Joanne Nykol, Practice Liaison Stop Smoking Specialist

At your Baptism

Flower fingers

Tiny toes

Enormous eyes

Button nose

The gift of this infant

We give to thee

A lifetime ahead

To oversee

Whether the bundle

Is pink or is blue

Our precious baby

We pledge to you

To initiate into

A faith pure and true

But better still

To enhance the event

So you always remember

Just what it meant

Have a baptism poem

scribed for your child.

A lifelong reminder

especially compiled

from your recollections

of this wonderful day.

The depths of your love

To forever convey.


Of course, to us, it’s no surprise

That there is a wealth of enterprise here in our community

It’s thanks to those who set us free

Who gave us the courage to spread our wings

Who helped us with the tricky things

Tonight gives us a chance to say

Bizzfizz you helped us find the way